Project architects: Sla Malenko, Greta Frišmantaitė-Gudaitienė, Greta Dailydaitė
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Photos: Leonas Garbačauskas
Program: 10 000 m2
Year: 2022

Meadow - the third and the last to date Danske Campus (more) building.
Inspiration behind the name - a meadow full of flowers, dictated design solutions such as always changing LED lighting system illuminating the atrium and vivid colorful meeting rooms. First floor is dedicated to common areas: collaboration zone with round amphitheater, "A house" for teams, multifunctional conference rooms, and podcast studios. The rest of the floors contain workspaces, small meeting and skype rooms on the sides, with kitchen, large meeting rooms, and open coffee point in the middle.

„Play a work day“ being our motto, we designed spaces which can be easily transformed by workers themselves. Open-office can be divided into areas for teams of different sizes and each space can be accommodated according their individual needs. Workdesk layout, furniture set-up and divisions are ready to fit different scenarios with no need to reconfigurate any following electrical, lighting or ventilation systems. This way, different work modules and activities can be fully supported by the mobility of a workspace.

Interior design solutions, such as green like grass flooring with hay textured ceiling in the workspaces and colorful meeting rooms, create a feeling of walking through a meadow full of flowers. Colors also serve as good indicators for various types of activities and purpose of different spaces.

Graphic design by Antanas Laukaitis also must be mentioned. Graphic design solutions in DC Meadow create a unique narrative which helps people navigate inside the office. Various signs with color indications, graphic art on glass partitions, and acoustic panel compositions on the walls – all tell a story of the office and better the employee experience.